Madhyanya Bhog (Anna Bhog) Booking

What is Anna Bhog?
Anna Bhog is a kind of Rice Bhog, that is being offered to Mata at Noon, it can also be called Lunch Time Bhog. starts from Rs 2101, for a small Thali.
Devotee who book this, can get the total Bhog Thali after Offering.
When will I get the Anna Bhog?
If you book the Bhog, you will get the Bhog at 2 PM, on your selected date.
From where I have to collect the Bhog?
You can collect and have the Bhog directly at the Temple, or we can also manage to send the Bhog on your Hotel Room at Tarapith.
What is the different sizes & pricing of Bhog?

Sital Bhog (Luchi Sweets Bhog) Booking

What is Sital Bhog?
Sital Bhog is a kind of Luchi & Sweet Bhog, that is being offered to Mata at Evening. Starts from Rs 2101, for a small Thali.
Devotee who book this, can get the total Bhog Thali after Offering.
When will I get the Sital Bhog?
If you book the Bhog, you will get the Bhog at Evening, on your selected date.
From where I have to collect the Bhog?
You can collect and have the Bhog directly at the Temple.
What is the different sizes & pricing of Bhog?

Booking for Bhandara (Narayan Seva)

What is Bhandara or Narayan Seva?
Bhandara means distribution of Food or Meal, in this Seva we serve needy people their Lunch in the Mata's Bhandara Premises. Devotees can distribute the Food by their own hand.
When will It be Started?
Bhandara Starts from 10 AM everyday.
Can Devotees do it with their own Hands?
Yes, Devotees can distribute the Food by their own. However our team will be there, to support You.
Where the Bhandara will be performed?
It will be performed on Mata Bhandara Premises (Anna Chatra)
What is the different types & pricing of Bhandara?

Booking for Hawan (Yagya)

(Video Call Available)
What is Hawan?
Hawan is spiritual activity, where devotees offers many kind of offering through the Yagya (Fire) and seek Mata's blessibgs for their life and society.
Who will perform the Hawan?
Tantrik, allocated by us wil perfrom your Hawan. You can sit with him and offer Ahuti during the Hawan.
Where the Hawan will be performed?
It will be performed on Temple Premises.
What is the different types & pricing of Hawan?